Friday 29 January 2010

Finished Video Of Preliminary Task

This is the finished video of our preliminary task

A few bad parts about our preliminary is that it is slightly dull and would not have a audience's attention, it also is not very long and their is not much dialogue. A few good parts are the range of shots we fit in, we also have a ending that leaves you wanting to know more

Thursday 28 January 2010

Camera Shots/Angles

To understand how to film my preliminary and main media tasks i did some research into the many types of camera shots and angles. Firstly there are many types of shots:-

- Mid-Shot
This is a shot showing the actor/ess at a range in between close up and long shot.

- Wide-Shot/Long-Shot
A shot of a group of people showing their whole bodies from a distance away.

- Close-Up
The opposite of a wide-shot closing in on a specific detail like a hand opening a door

-Over-The-Shoulder Shot
A view from over the characters shoulder showing their back and everything in front of them

- POV Shot
A point of view shot showing the audience what the characters can see exactly

There are also many different angles a few of the main ones are:-

-Birds eye view
A view from above looking down on the scene

-High Angle
View from a high place looking down on the scene that can create a sense of the character being belittled and intimidated.

- Low Angle
View from a low place looking up at a character making them look larger and allowing them to be intimidating towards others

Wednesday 27 January 2010


Hi i'm Chris Gill and my group for this years media course consists of Luis Mapes, Daniel Wogan, Alex Dimmock and myself. My main role in the group is filming the pieces we produce.