Thursday 22 April 2010


After having established location and character profiles we had to get to work on our storyboard shown bellow in stages:-

This scene opens with luis (the protagonist) breaking into the goverment building, taking out the first guard played by danny goodman. He comes from behind danny knocking him unconscious by snapping his neck. On the front desk there was also a CCTV monitor which allowed us to show luis running across the car park to break in. We chose this opening to add suspense and tension in the opening seconds.

Having disposed of Danny, Luis puts in his earpiece and asks for directions from his I.T. geek played by Alex Dimmock. Alex is located at a seperate location to Luis but does not hesitate when Luis needs help. We shall use a series of different cuts and putting audio over clips to make it flow. Alex and Luis also use physical props such as the bluetooth earpice and headset.

Luis is now directed to the office by Alex to find the computer that has the file they are trying to steal from the building. Luis has to break down one door to get to this, which we added to show the strength of Luis and the lengths he will go to, to obtain the file.
Now inside the office Luis can hack into the government computer with Alex's assistance. We shall use a range of different shots that we researched to help keep the audiences attention and zone in on details.
Meanwhile Dan, the boss of the government agents, discovers Danny knocked out in his chair, calling for back. Alex see's this through the CCTV he has hacked into, warning Luis to get out before they catch him. Not much dialogue is saud after this point so we increase the volume of the music and make all the actions more crisp to add tension with every clip.

With the file secured Luis can attempt to make his escape from the building. Taking out his earpiece to cut off Alex, he is confronted by both Dan and Chris, the armed agents. Having Luis outnumbered allows to make the audience think about what Luis could possibly do to get past this. We shall either going to film this from Luis' point-of-view or over his shoulder to keep the audience on Luis' side.
Luis runs towards Dan and Chris taking them on, sliding underneith and through the middle of the two he procedes to the lift. The lift isn't exactly the most practical escape method but with Chris covering the stairs Luis has no other choice. This once again makes the viewer think what is going to happen to our 'hero'.
Knowing Luis is ascending in the lift Chris sprints back up the stairs, gun in hand, ready and waiting for his enemy to show through the lift doors. Clearly our main character cannot be killed so easily, Luis comes out of the lift ready for anything ducking under Chris gun before disarming him skillfully to keep hold of the gun himself before turning Chris around, kneeing him in the face and kicking him into the lift. We took the camera off the tripod for this scene to add a shaky effect like they use in the bourne film to make the audience feel like they are involved in the fight. Quick cuts and changes in angles are crucial to make this scene effective.
With Chris now knocked out on the floor of the lift Luis quickly takes the pass card and sends Chris down. Luis moves towards the west wing opening the door with the pass card before running towards the fire escape to be on the outside of the building at last. There is a set of spiral staircase leading to the ground from the fire escape but our protaganist never does things the easy way.
Jumping from the top of the stairs, Luis lands and rolls on the ground. This is a much more dramatic way of escaping than to just run down some stairs. We used this as it was a great oppurtunity to fit in the free running skills Luis has.
Luis runs round to the front of the building almost away from danger, but an old friend re-appears, Dan runs and shoots Luis in the back, Luis falls to the floor in pain and temporarilly paralyzed, the screen fading out. We shall use realistic gun shots/sound effects in post production/editing.
The screen fades back to show Luis' point of view, crawling forwards in a desperate attempt to escape Dan. Luis suddenly gets kicked onto his back to show Dan pointing the gun straight at Luis' face ready to finish the job. When filming this scene we shall use Luis' heavy breathing onto the cameras microphone to give the audience a real acknowledment that he is injured. Luis' vision goes blurry again before fading out to a black screen again.
With the audience thinking what could possibly happen to our hero so early on, we add a final twist. With the black screen up we hear a gun shot (different to that heard early). Less than a second after the gun shot the screen appears showing Dan standing with the gun and a spot of blood on his forehead where he has been hit. Dan slips out of Luis' view and we shall cut to Oli, our sniper, in a room with his identity hidden to keep more mystery. He puts his hand to his earpiece announcing "target down". The title of our film then appears and that concludes our opening sequence.

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